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PhD opportunities advertised in the School of Environment, Earth and Ecosystem Sciences

24 PhD projects are currently listed on the School website covering a wide range of topics, reflecting the broad research interests of the school, many of which are assocaited with the CENTA 2 Doctoral Training Partnership

These include one project involving Ar-Ar dating and Noble Gas Studies:

  • "After the dust has settled : the post-impact hydrothermal system at Rouchechouart impact crater" with Susanne Schwenzer as lead supervisor

There are also other geochemcial and geochronological projects not directly including the Ar lab including:

  • Making the most of K-feldspar: development of in-situ K-Ca dating and isotopic fingerprinting of upper crustal processes, supervised by Clare Warren and Craig Storey (Portsmouth University)
  • Enrichment of critical elements in granites: melting process or protolith? Lead supervisor Tom Argles
  • From the Colorado Plateau to beyond Earth: using magmatic intrusions into sulphate-rich sediments as analogue for planetary habitable environments/. Lead supervisor Susanne Schwenzer 

Applications should be sent to by 12pm (noon) on the 21st January 2019.

Contact us

Argon/Argon & Noble Gas Research Group
Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths
The Open University
Walton Hall
Milton Keynes MK7 6AA

Lead Academic - Dr Sarah Sherlock
Telephone: +44 (0) 1908 659559 (office),

Lab Manager - Dr Alison Halton
+44 (0) 1908 659449 (office)